Home > Artworks > José Agustín González Grillo

Photo of José Agustín González Grillo Cuba

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Personal and artistic life: JosAgustn Gonzalez Grillo. Havana, 1957. Cuba San Alejandro Academy of Arts. Havana, 1984 Art History, University of Havana, 1990. Professor of Art: 1979 to 1990. Has been marketed with different galleries: Galera Habana, Victor Manuel Galera, Galera de Varadero Cuba, West Indies Gallery, Jamaica. Solo Exhibitions: Ateneo de Barquisimeto, Venezuela 1995. Club Mediterranean Hotel, Varadero, Cuba...

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Personal and artistic life: JosAgustn Gonzalez Grillo. Havana, 1957. Cuba San Alejandro Academy of Arts. Havana, 1984 Art History, University of Havana, 1990. Professor of Art: 1979 to 1990. Has been marketed with different galleries: Galera Habana, Victor Manuel Galera, Galera de Varadero Cuba, West Indies Gallery, Jamaica. Solo Exhibitions: Ateneo de Barquisimeto, Venezuela 1995. Club Mediterranean Hotel, Varadero, Cuba 1998. Praise. Hotel Inglaterra, Havana, Cuba 2003 Exhibitions: Exhibition Collateral First Havana Biennial 1984. ACAA Headquarters, Cuba 1992. Cuban Art Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain 1992. With an early academic training, has an artistic formation slide. His work was very close to the author's life experience reflects his own existence. He has made sculptures, drawings and for more than a decade devoted professionally to painting, his pieces are a constant experimentation that combines rationality and intuition, creation and tradition. The images, intellectualized, offer a plastic world full of questions and subtle reflections. Connected to the pictorial tradition, its iconography, described as versatile, explore different expressive resources and opens the door to a whole semantics research. The utilization of random plastic discourse of absolute freedom, reveals a taste for the unexpected and creative improvisation. Multi-referential, the work enable a variety of readings and let the audience explore them according their own knowledge and information. Very little exposure, his work has had to break through without the specialized attention of the critics, this isolation, has remained outside the halls of art and exhibition halls. But there is a constant interest on their artistic production, which sold in its entirety, continues to expand numerous private collections in the world. It has works in different countries: France, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Sweden, United States, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Holland and many others. Works mostly to read with a preference for medium and large format, we characterized a terminaciny preocupacin the finish of the parts. By delving into the past from the present, not only leaves a thread to explore, besides rescuing the value of an order and knowledge we can talk, away from ceirse a trend, will show its achievements the mixed results of a reflection as alive as changing, be he himself free of all process Layer. Lic: Silvia Caballero Fontaine Personal and artistic life: JosAgustn Gonzalez Grillo. Havana, 1957. Cuba San Alejandro Academy of Arts. Havana, 1984 History Art, University of Havana, 1990. Professor of Art: 1979 to 1990. Has been marketed with different galleries: Galera Habana, Victor Manuel Galera, Galera de Varadero Cuba, West Indies Gallery, Jamaica. Solo Exhibitions: Ateneo de Barquisimeto, Venezuela 1995. Club Mediterranean Hotel, Varadero, Cuba 1998. Praise. Hotel Inglaterra, Havana, Cuba 2003 Exhibitions: Exhibition Collateral First Havana Biennial 1984. ACAA Headquarters, Cuba 1992. Cuban Art Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain 1992. With an early academic training, has an artistic formation slide. His work was very close to the author's life experience reflects his own existence. He has made sculptures, drawings, and from more than a decade ago is professionally dedicated to painting, his pieces are a constant experimentation that combines rationality and intuition, creation and tradition. The images, intellectualized, offer a plastic world full of questions and subtle reflections. Connected to the pictorial tradition, its iconography, described as versatile, explore different expressive resources and opens the door to a whole semantics research. The utilization of random plastic discourse of absolute freedom, reveals a taste for the unexpected and creative improvisation. Multi-referential, the work enable a variety of readings and let the audience explore them according their own knowledge and information. Very little exposure, his work has had to break through without the specialized attention of the critics, this isolation, has remained outside the halls of art and exhibition halls. But there is a constant interest on their artistic production, which sold as a whole, continues to expand numerous private collections in the world. It has works in different countries: France, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Sweden, United States, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Holland and many others. Works mostly to read with a preference for medium and large format, we characterized a terminaciny preocupacin the finish of the parts. By delving into the past from the present, not only leaves a thread to explore, besides rescuing the value of an order and knowledge we can talk, away from ceirse a trend, will show its achievements the mixed results of a reflection as alive as changing, be he himself free of all process Layer. Lic: Silvia Caballero Fontaine

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